Asian Typography



Hi, I recently purchased a Lenovo system and believe that it over-wrote some
settings in OfficeXp (2002).
When I click on Format-->Paragraph, I see Indents & Settings - Line and Page
Breaks AND Asian Typography (which I didn't not see previously when the
version of Office was installed on my old system).
Further when I click on Tool-->Options I notice that the selections include
Asian Typography, Japanese Find, Complex Script,......
I thought that may be the Control Panel-->Languages was set incorrectly but
it was set to English so I would appreciate your help in advising me what
changes I need to make in Office, Windows, ?????? to reset my system to
English ONLY?
Thank you for your support


I don't know if you ever got an answer or corrected your problem, but I am having the same issue. I did several searches and this is apparently rather common. The bulk of the responses are to go into Start --> Programs --> MS Office --> MS Office Tools --> <your revision of Office> Language Settings and eliminate any asian languages selected.

Unfortunately (for me), I only have English selected so this advise has not helped me fix my problem. Maybe it will help you.
