Review iPhone 3G - Review


Advanced Member (250+)
Everyone is now raving about the iPhone G3! Sure, it looks sleek, works smoothly, but is it really worth it? I have had some first hand experience with the phone myself, and here is what I think of it!

Everyone today likes these new cars that come with bluetooth built in. Well, it isn't the greatest deal when you're using the iPhone... at random times, the sound gets slurred on the other end and it sounds like you're repeating a one syllable word over and over. This can be very annoying at times. So there's one downside so far. The bluetooth can be screwed up a bit. This only has happened to me in the Lexus LS and an Acura, but I'm sure that this would be an issue in other cars.


I have noticed a lot of dropped calls also. I eventually brought it to the Apple store to tell them that I was getting sick of having so many dropped calls and I wanted them to do something. They did a software runthrough and from what they got, it told them that 25% of all of my calls were dropped... I almost laughed and walked out to get another phone. They replaced it though, so for that, I give there support/customer service a nice up.

Before I had the 3G, I had the original iPhone. Surprisingly, the internet was faster on the original one. I think that it's just because of the network being overloaded by so many people trying to use it at once. I definitely think that they should get a better network for their internet.

This one is less towards Apple and more towards AT&T. I'm sure that you know about this one, but I think it's very stupid that they did this. Everyone knows about the AT&T chip for computers to have internet anywhere, right? Well, they took away the application from the app store that allows you to use the iPhone as a modem because they didn't want people to start using their iPhone as the modem instead of those cards. I think that is absurd, but whatever, there are still ways to make the iPhone a modem :)


The Wi-Fi is a nice feature. It has decent speeds, comparable with the BlackBerry Curve 8320's Wi-Fi. It's a nice plus to have when at a restaurant that serves as a hot-spot.

The GUI on the iPhone is absolutely amazing! I would never say user-friendly, although it is relatively user-friendly... Some things just don't work out the way that you wan't them to on the iPhone, but the GUI is still impossible to beat. I could sit in a chair for hours messing around and finding new things to do with the GUI features on the iPhone. The graphics acceleration is also very nice. I haven't ever noticed any lag with it.

The features are endless! I don't exactly have a favorite though. If I did, it would be the app store. It provides so many free programs that can be extremely useful!

Last but not least, the design. It has a nice sleek case that goes perfectly with the software GUI. It's a decent size phone, but nothing terrible. It's quite skinny but is a little bit long. The way that they were able to put one button on it makes it look very, how could I say this, cute?

All together, I would give the iPhone 3G a 4/5. If I missed anything to review about the iPhone, tell me :)

To see a video of unboxing the iPhone 3G, go here.
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Advanced Member (250+)
Thank you! I didn't have time to go around looking for pictures.
I also added the link to the bottom of the review.
